The marble quarry as an artwork

The Arkad Foundation has presented the exhibition project ‘Cava’ which was held during the period from July to October 2018.

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The project tried to define the quarry as an "artwork", not only as a space where marble is extracted, but as an "art piece" to be admired and protected. 80 artists from different backgrounds (photographers, sculptors, painters, video artists, architects, and designers) presented their work, inspired by fascinating marble quarries.

Several events took place at the exhibition of "Cava":

-Display on how 'Lardo di Collonata' is produced on the occasion of the exhibit's inauguration;
-Poetry evening with the narrator and quarryman Sauro Mattei;
-Artistic performances with Cava Luana Marmi di Vagli and the sculptors from Studio Artco as protagonists;
-Storytelling event “La congiura della facciata di San Lorenzo. Michelangelo vittima illustre del potere politico” by Costantino Paolicchi;
-Conference “L’immagine delle cave apuane nella pittura ottocentesca” presented by Andrea Tenerini;
-Meeting dedicated to the discovery of the missing artist Beppe Domenici; 
-Percussion performance with quarry cushions by musicians Francesco Toma, Luca Schillaci, and Francesco Errante;
-Gastronomic dinner prepared by Giusy from 'I 4 Mori' restaurant;
-Lotto cubes extraction of the three award-winning photographic works;
-Theater performance “La bimba che aspetta” written and presented by Elisabetta Salvatori;
-Visit to the 'Corchia' quarry with the Condomini Cooperative and the Pellerano company.

Participating artist:

Nancy Allison, Miguel Ausili, Raquel Aversano, Giovanni Balderi, Neal Barab, Roberto Barberi, Stefano Baroni, Andrea Bartolucci, Vincent Beaufils, Raphael Beil, Robin Bell, Nicolas Bertoux, Mario Bibolotti, Roland Bischofberger, Hans Bol, Michel Boucquillon, Aurelien Boussin, Romano Cagnoni, Emanuela Camacci, Valente Cancogni, Enzo Cei, Craig Copeland, Elisa Corsini, Francesco Cremoni, Pier Luigi Da Prato, Daniel C. & Associates, Alain Darré, Francois Delebecque, Anne Deleporte, Beppe Domenici, Umit Turgay Durgun, FM Studio, Erio Forli, Sergio Fortuna, Veronica Gaido, Leonardo Gasperetti, Zoran Grinberg, Gigi Guadagnucci, Ugo Guidi, Gumdesign, Christian Hadengue, Jean Francois Hugues, Reinhold Kohl, Giulio Lazzotti, Marc Michel Loret, Nicola Lorusso, Marcantonio Lunardi, Benoit Luycky, Franco Martera, Janice Mehlman, Ron Mehlman, Johannes Pfeiffer, Jean Paul Philippe, Francesco Poli, Moreno Ratti, Joel Richard, Christine Ritchie, Melton Rivera Espinoza, Giovanni Romboni, Andrea Rovatti, Benvenuto Saba, Craig Schaffer, Barbara Philomena Schnetzler, Tiziano Simonelli, Gabriel Sobin, Daniela Tartaglia, Alejandro Trapani, Silvia Tuccimei, Johnny Turner, Paolo Ulian, Giovanni Umicini, Marian Vanzetto, Luca Vecoli, Simone Verona, Debra Werblud, Steve Woodward, Ko Yamazaki, Jiefu Zhou.

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
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Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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